Bifacial Modules on Australian Rooftops

Performance Evaluation of Bifacial Modules on Australian Rooftops

The scope of this project can be divided into two work packages

WP1: Proof-of-concept rooftop analysis: This analysis aims to automate detection of rooftop type and colour based on satellite imagery to estimate the distribution of rooftop reflectivity. This analysis will be demonstrated for a selected region (e.g. Canberra).

WP2: Estimate bifacial gain: For a selected light roof we will compute the yield of bifacial and monofacial silicon heterojunction modules in a fixed configuration.

If both work packages deliver positive and promising results, there is potential for a follow-up project. The scope of a follow-up project could include

  • an Australian-wide rooftop analysis, including for example detection of fraction of roofs with already existing solar,
  • acquiring spectral information of the major roof types to enable more detailed bifacial gain computations,
  • compute bifacial gain for a range of locations, roof types, mounting configurations, and
  • optimisation of module design (e.g. impact of cell gap on bifacial gain).


This project receives $50k funding from industry partner SunDrive Solar Pty Ltd, and $50.8k from ANU ACAP node.


ANU project website

This work has recently been published in Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells and in following publications listed below:

Reference DOI / Download
M. Ernst, X. Liu, C.-A. Asselineau, D. Chen, C. Huang, and A. Lennon, "Accurate modelling of the bifacial gain potential of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems,", Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 300, p. 117947, 2024.

Open access

Sat Jan 1, 2022

Bifacial Modules on Australian Rooftops Specific energy yield for a Monofacial and a Bifacial system as a function of module tilt angle, for systems with individually optimized modules (left) and two parallel eight-module strings (right).